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Regarding the legality of carrying out entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the extraction of precious metals.

Regarding the legality of carrying out entrepreneurial activity in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the extraction of precious metals.

The issue is regulated by the President Decree No. PP-4030 dated November 26, 2018 "On measures to create conditions for the implementation of activities for the artisanal extraction of precious metals", according to which individuals and entities have the right to carry out activities for the artisanal extraction of precious metals on the basis of a Permit for the right to use subsoil areas.
The permit is issued by the Subsoil Use Center for a period of three years based on the results of an electronic auction on the electronic trading platform "E-AUKSION" in the prescribed manner through the "License" information system. In this case, only residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in particular, individuals who are citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, have the status of an individual entrepreneur, and legal entities in whose authorized capital (fund) the share of an individual who is a citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 70 percent or more, may apply for permits for the right to use subsoil plots for carrying out artisanal mining of precious metals. Seventy percent of the employees of a legal entity applying for a permit for the right to use subsoil plots for carrying out artisanal mining of precious metals must be citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The starting price for putting up for auction the right to use subsoil plots for carrying out artisanal mining of precious metals for each hectare is set at 35 times the base calculation value (1 BRV on the day of information preparation is 375,000 soums, a total of 13,125,000 soums - about 1,000 US dollars).
The Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Subsoil" No. ZRU-987 dated October 31, 2024, which will enter into force in February 2025, specifies the provisions of the above-mentioned Presidential Resolution, including the list of documents that must be submitted to participate in the auction. The law also determines that the sale or other transfer of precious metals extracted as a result of artisanal mining can only be carried out through specialized cash desks opened and operating in accordance with legislative acts, as well as legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in the manufacture of jewelry and other products from precious metals and precious stones. In the process of clarifying the practice of providing subsoil plots for gold mining, an employee of the Ministry of Mining and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan explained that the Subsoil Use Center issues permits for the extraction of precious metals by artisanal (not industrial) methods, the applicant has the right to acquire the right to extract precious metals by choosing one of the plots already put up for auction, or request another plot, which, after conducting a study on the possibility of provision, will also be put up for electronic auction.

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